Today Gold Price in Pakistan

6 Min Read

Gold is a precious metal that has been used for centuries as a form of currency, jewelry, and investment. In Pakistan, gold is a popular investment option, and the Gold Price in Pakistan is closely watched by investors and consumers alike.

Gold Price in Pakistan is determined by a number of factors, including the global price of gold, the strength of the Pakistani rupee, and the demand for gold in Pakistan. The global price of gold is set by the London Bullion Market, and it is influenced by a number of factors, including economic conditions, interest rates, and inflation. The strength of the Pakistani rupee also affects the Gold Price in Pakistan, as a weaker rupee makes gold more expensive for Pakistani buyers.

Finally, the demand for gold in Pakistan is also a factor that affects the Gold Price in Pakistan. The demand for gold in Pakistan is influenced by a number of factors, including cultural factors, religious factors, and economic factors.


DATE24K Gold (Tola)22K Gold (Tola)
June 01, 2023226000182563
May 31, 2023232300182563
May 30, 2023232700182878
May 29, 2023235800185314
May 28, 2023235800185314
May 27, 2023235550185117
May 26, 2023235500185078
May 25, 2023237000186257
May 24, 2023234500184292
May 23, 2023237700186807
May 22, 2023235250184882

In recent years, the Gold Price in Pakistan has been on the rise. This is due to a number of factors, including the global economic slowdown, the devaluation of the Pakistani rupee, and the increasing demand for gold as an investment. As of June 1, 2023, the price of gold in Pakistan is Rs. 232,204.588 per tola. This is an increase of Rs. 2,000 from the price of gold in June 2022.

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The rise in the Gold Price in Pakistan has a number of implications for the Pakistani economy. First, it makes gold more expensive for Pakistani buyers, which can reduce demand for gold. Second, it can lead to inflation, as the higher price of gold is passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices for goods and services. Third, it can lead to a decrease in economic growth, as businesses may be less likely to invest and hire workers due to the higher cost of gold.

Despite the challenges, the rise in the price of gold also presents some opportunities for the Pakistani economy. First, it can lead to increased exports of gold jewelry and other gold products. Second, it can attract foreign investment into the Pakistani gold market. Third, it can provide a hedge against inflation for Pakistani investors.

Overall, the rise in the Gold Price in Pakistan is a complex issue with both positive and negative implications for the Pakistani economy. It is important to carefully consider all of the factors involved in order to make informed decisions about gold investment and consumption.

Here are some of the factors that can affect the price of gold in Pakistan:

  • Global economic conditions: The global economic outlook can have a significant impact on the price of gold. When the global economy is doing well, the demand for gold tends to decline, as investors are more confident in other assets. However, when the global economy is doing poorly, the demand for gold tends to increase, as investors seek a safe haven asset.
  • Interest rates: Interest rates can also affect the price of gold. When interest rates are low, the opportunity cost of holding gold is lower, as investors can earn a higher return on other assets, such as bonds. However, when interest rates are high, the opportunity cost of holding gold is higher, as investors can earn a higher return on bonds.
  • Inflation: Inflation can also affect the price of gold. When inflation is high, the value of paper money decreases, and investors may look to gold as a way to preserve their wealth. However, when inflation is low, the value of paper money increases, and investors may be less likely to invest in gold.
  • Political factors: Political factors can also affect the price of gold. When there is political instability, the demand for gold tends to increase, as investors seek a safe haven asset. However, when there is political stability, the demand for gold tends to decline.

If you are considering investing in gold, it is important to carefully consider all of the factors that can affect the price of gold. You should also consult with a financial advisor to get personalized advice on whether or not gold is the right investment for you.

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