2024 Indonesia Elections – Regional Representative Council

2024 Indonesia Elections, happening on February 14th, will not only decide the nation’s next president but also shape the Regional Representative Council (DPD). This often-overlooked chamber plays a crucial role in representing regional interests and advocating for local communities.

Party NameNo. Of Seats Won
Indonesian Democratic Party – Struggle / Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP)
Golkar Party / Partai Golkar
Gerindra Party / Partai Gerakan Indonesia Raya
Nasdem Party / Partai Nasdem
Democratic Party / Partai Demokrat
Prosperous Justice Party / Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS)
National Mandate Party / Partai Amanat Nasional
Labor Party / Partai Buruh
Indonesian People’s Wave Party / Partai Gelombang Rakyat Indonesia
Archipelago Awakening Party / Partai Kebangkitan Nusantara
People’s Conscience Party / Partai Hati Nurani Rakyat
Indonesian Guard for Change Party / Partai Garda Perubahan Indonesia
Star Moon Party / Partai Bulan Bintang
Indonesian Solidarity Party / Partai Solidaritas Indonesia
Perindo Party / Partai Perindo
Nangroe Aceh Party / Partai Nangroe Aceh
Atjeh Beusaboh Tha’at and Taqwa Generation Party / Partai Generasi Atjeh Beusaboh Tha’at Dan Taqwa
Darul Aceh Party / Partai Darul Aceh
Aceh Party / Partai Aceh
Aceh Prosperous Justice Party / Partai Adil Sejahtera Aceh
Acehnese People’s Independent Solidarity Party / Partai Soliditas Independent Rakyat Aceh
Ummat Party / Partai Ummat

What is Regional Representative Council (DPD) ?

The DPD, with 136 members, acts as the upper house of Indonesia’s bicameral parliament. Unlike the House of Representatives (DPR), its members aren’t affiliated with political parties but represent individual provinces. This unique structure ensures each region’s voice is heard, regardless of national party politics.

What’s at Stake in the 2024 DPD Elections?

2024 Indonesia Elections hold particular significance:

  • Key Policy Issues: With decentralization a growing focus, the DPD’s influence on regional development, natural resource management, and cultural preservation is amplified.
  • Shifting Dynamics: The upcoming results could impact the national political landscape, potentially forming alliances or coalitions with the DPR.
  • Empowering Local Voices: Increased participation and awareness about the DPD could strengthen regional representation and citizen engagement.

Who are the Key Candidates For 2024 Indonesia Elections ?

With independent candidates contesting the polls, identifying frontrunners is challenging. However, prominent figures from various provinces with strong local connections and advocacy records are likely to draw attention.

What are the Challenges and Opportunities?

Challenges include low public awareness about the DPD and ensuring fair representation for smaller provinces. However, opportunities lie in increasing voter turnout, utilizing technology for transparent elections, and amplifying regional voices in national discourse.

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