Hindu Nationalists’ Social Media Tensions in India

In the town of Mudbidri, India, a comprehensive digital campaign orchestrated by Hindu nationalists has been instrumental in stoking tensions within the country. The campaign, which began with seemingly innocuous messages promoting infrastructural development, schools, and food distribution, took a darker turn as the election date inched closer.

One viral post listed the names of 24 local Hindu men purportedly murdered by Muslims. Another mass message raised concerns about Hindu girls allegedly being influenced by Muslim men to join the Islamic State. Yet another viral post urgently appealed for votes, asserting that “If the BJP is here, your children will be safe. Hindus will be safe.”

By the time the election day arrived in Karnataka state, South India, Patil, a 25-year-old bank teller in a quiet village near Mangaluru, claimed to receive 120 political messages daily across six WhatsApp groups. These messages effectively served as reminders to cast their votes in favor of the Hindu nationalists Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which governs India.

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The BJP, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with affiliated Hindu nationalists groups, has been at the forefront globally in harnessing the power of social media for political purposes. They have used it to advance their ideological agenda and solidify their control over the world’s largest democratic nation. This approach has involved the systematic dissemination of inflammatory, often false, and bigoted content on a massive scale, earning both admiration and criticism beyond India’s borders.

Hindu Nationalists Use Social Media to Stoke Tensions in India

At the core of the BJP’s success, as a party with 180 million members, is an extensive messaging apparatus built atop U.S. social media platforms. This initiative is part of a broader strategy by right-wing forces aligned with Modi to leverage technology in various ways and, at the same time, restrict its use by their opponents. Their overarching Hindu nationalists agenda seeks to marginalize religious minorities and suppress dissent.

In light of the growing prevalence of hate speech and disinformation in India, Silicon Valley giants have occasionally attempted to regulate such incendiary content. However, they have often encountered challenges or chosen to look the other way.

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