PTI Candidate for NA-245 Karachi West II – Name and Symbol

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has nominated Ataullah Khan as PTI Candidate for NA-245 Karachi West II in the upcoming 2024 general elections in Pakistan.

PTI Candidate for NA-245 Karachi West II – Name and Symbol

Candidate Name:Ataullah Khan
Party Name:Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
Candidate Symbol:Racket
Constituency:NA-245 Karachi West II

In the upcoming Pakistan General Election of 2024, Ataullah Khan emerges as the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) candidate for the NA-245 Karachi West II constituency. Ataullah Khan, a seasoned and dedicated individual, stands as a representative of the PTI’s vision for progressive and transformative governance. Running under the distinct symbol of a racket, Khan embodies the party’s commitment to bringing a new dynamic to the political landscape.

With a background steeped in public service and community engagement, Khan aims to address the unique challenges facing the residents of NA-245. His candidacy is marked by a pledge to foster economic development, enhance educational opportunities, and improve healthcare access. As voters in Karachi West II head to the polls, Ataullah Khan presents himself as a promising candidate dedicated to the betterment of his constituency and the nation as a whole.

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