Workout Smarter, Not Harder: Best Home Exercise for Women

Nowadays, in the hectic lifestyle, one of the major issues that ladies are struggling with is scheduling time for fitness, while maintaining a high number of duties. But on condition that you choose a correct strategy, working on a system of effective home exercises will ensure visible outcomes while involking no extra energy or time. It is all that focusing more on working smarter, not harder. We will discuss a lot of useful methods for the best home exercise for women by which you can get desired results at home in a very efficient manner.

Bodyweight Squats

A Squatting with one’s own body provides an added advantage in that this one exercise targets multiple muscles groups; these being the Glutes, Quadriceps, the Hamstring muscles.

To perform a bodyweight squat:To perform a bodyweight squat:

  • For a start, stand with your feet should-with-wid apart.
  • Lower down by extending your legs and pushing hips backwards, imagine as it sits on a chair.
  • A pomoised posture and a tightened core aid the correct breathing technique.
  • Brief pause, get back to the initial position by pushing your heels into the ground.


Lunges are a perfect embodiment of the exercise which hits the lower body with the bonus of improving balance and stability. Here’s how to do a basic lunge:Here’s how to do a basic lunge:

  • Being in standing position with your feet roughly hip length away from each other will be a good place to start.
  • Advance with your right foot and put down your body, so it forms a 90-degree angle between both the knees.
  • Now, keep the front knee placed towards the ankle angle and the back knee only inches from the floor.


Push-ups are a known old one, but the very effective, upper body engage which the chest, shoulders, and triceps take part. To perform a proper push-up:To perform a proper push-up:

  • Hold your first position in the plank with a push ups style body posture with your hands being slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Bring your lower body down to a centimeter above the ground, tuck your core and maintain no curve in your spine.
  • You have to push through the texture of the floor using the palms of your hands to get to the top of the movement.


The plank is an exercise which consists of simple but powerful moves that are essential to working the abs and lower back muscles. Here’s how to do it correctly:Here’s how to do it correctly:

  • Start in a push-up position with your hands under sternum.
  • Engage your core and lengthen your body form head to heels. (Once you master the basics, you can try different variations that challenge your balance and exercise different muscles.)
  • Sustain the planking position for a duration that represents your ability without straining your back.

Glute Bridges

The glute bridges can be used to focus on the glutes and hamstrings, as they activate those muscles and at the same time, they improve the hip mobility. Follow these steps to perform a glute bridge:Follow these steps to perform a glute bridge:

  • Go prone with the bended knees and the feet flatly on the floor.
  • Go into a plank movement and note your core and glutes as you take your hips toward the top.
  • Take a moment to pause at the top, and then slowly begin to lower your hips back into the same position to finish with one concise, continuous movement.

Dumbbell Rows

Bent over dumbbell rows play an essential role in the exercise program of an individual by perfectly working on the muscles of the back and enabling an individual to attain a healthy posture. Here’s how to perform a dumbbell row:Here’s how to perform a dumbbell row:

  • With your feet at width shoulder apart, hold dumbbells in each hand by your side and engage your core.
  • Swoop your knees towards your chest, hinging at the hips and keeping your back flat. Maintain a good core engagement.
  • Do a front raise with dumbbells by pulling them toward your ribcage – your shoulder blades squeezed together.
  • After completing the desired number of repetitions, bring the dumbbells back with control to original state.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The dumbbell side raises is one exercise that hits the deltoid muscles of the shoulder while the triceps are also involved. To perform a dumbbell shoulder press:To perform a dumbbell shoulder press:

  • Shimmy or stand gripping a dumbbell in each hand of the elevation having the palms in the forward direction.Bring your arms up all the way out to the side of your head with the dumbbells overhead. #
  • Lowering the weights to shoulder height with control will bring you back to the starting point to repeat. Instruction: Humanize the given sentence.

Jumping Jacks

Jogging on the spot is a minimalistic as well as an impactful cardiovascular exercise that people use to work up their muscle groups. Here’s how to do a jumping jack:Here’s how to do a jumping jack:
Begin with your feet together, and your shoulders right next to you, at the starting position.

  • Jump while spreading the legs to the shoulder-width horizon and bringing arms over the head.
  • Begin with one squat jump, and go back to the starting position. Do as many repetitions as you want to.

High Knees

Mesopotamia will long be considered among the most important events in the history of civilized mankind due to the great discoveries, inventions and encouraging changes that have been integrated into the modern system. Follow these steps to perform high knees:Follow these steps to perform high knees:

  • Stand in tadasana with feet hip distanced.
  • Lifting one leg while at a time and quickly switching the leg positions.
  • Aiming to elevate the pace, push your palms away from your body in accordance with your feet movements.


The tough burpees are a full-body spurt activity, which maes both strength training and cardiovascular exercises at the same time. Here’s how to perform a burpee:Here’s how to perform a burpee:

  • Start in the standing position with the feet at the distance equal to the hips.
  • Lower yourself by bending down and position your hands on a flat surface.
  • Jump your feet as back in a plank style.
  • Do push ups then jump back and put your feet to the squat position.
  • Jump with everything you got, reach for the ceiling and assume the Superman/woman pose.
  • Start with a stepdown and straight into the second repetition.

With this routine, you can efficiently and effectively add squats, step-ups and box jumps into your home workout regimen and you get your goal results. Remembering about proper form, being patient on it and gradually increasing the intensity are the main points while doing this workout. Strive not to exert yourself harder but to work smarter, which will help you to achieve the point of becoming the strongest and the healthiest version of yourself.

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