PTI Candidate for NA-110 Jhang-III – Name and Symbol

Sahibzada Ameer Sultan is nominated as PTI Candidate for NA-110 Jhang-III by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party in the 2024 Pakistani general election.

PTI Candidate for PTI Candidate for NA-110 Jhang-III – Name and Symbol

Party Name:Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
Candidate Symbol:CRICKET STUMPS
Constituency:NA-110 Jhang-III

His election symbol is cricket stumps. Ameer Sultan is a young lawyer turned politician who seeks to bring positive change to his community. He is running on the ticket of PTI, led by former Prime Minister Imran Khan, who aims to regain control of the government after losing power in 2022.

If elected, Sultan plans to address core issues affecting the people of Jhang like lack of access to education and healthcare, unemployment and poverty. His vision aligns with PTI’s agenda of establishing an equitable democracy, providing justice for all and fighting corruption.

Sultan hopes to emerge victorious under the potent election symbol of cricket stumps, which embodies values of integrity, transparency and merit. The 2024 election is key for PTI to get back into power and work towards national reforms focused on uplifting the common citizen.

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